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What is a role ?

Cédric Compagnon Updated by Cédric Compagnon

Access (permissions) to AlarmTILT are generated and grouped by roles. A role can be attributed to one or several contacts. Available role are different according to the AlarmTILT version.

  1. User or Administrator
    The AlarmTILT basic user manage the Directory, send messages and consult the history of sendings. The Administrator can manage the directory, access rights, consult reports,...
  2. Directory manager
    He is on charge of directory management. He imports, exports, deletes, edits, creates contacts and manages the calendar.
  3. Procedure manager
    He creates, manages, and tests procedures.
  4. Lanceur de procédure
    He launches procedures or messages and access to different histories (procedures launched and sent messages)
  5. Auditeur
    He manage reports. He has an acces to action history, messages and logs.
Customizable role : With AlarmTILT Enterprise, it's possible to duplicate roles systems to personalize them.

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